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What We Do

Mt Ushba, Georgia. (c) S Bagauri, 2017


As a fairly new group that is identifying activities as we go--advocacypartners, projects, etc.--we encourage members to join in on monthly teleconference calls and contribute to important environmental work globally.

Stay connected to the group by joining our Google listserv or Facebook group to stay informed about issues, actions, and upcoming meetings. When you're convinced, Join our group, too!

Become a Member

Join the RPCVs for Environmental Action to stay connected and support Peace Corps community initiatives! 

1. First, you will choose your membership level with NPCA. Select Free (the minimum required), or include a donation level (optional).

2. Then, select which NPCA affiliate group(s) you would like to join, including ours (free).




We are an affiliate of the National Peace Corps Association (NPCA).

NPCA is the nonprofit alumni network at the center of a vibrant community of over 220,000 people who share the Peace Corps experience. NPCA champions lifelong commitment to Peace Corps ideals by connecting, engaging, and promoting its members and affiliate groups as they continue to make a difference in communities in the U.S. and abroad. NPCA is also dedicated to advocating for, contributing to, and supporting the betterment of the Peace Corps. Visit NPCA to learn more